About Sam Shargo

Entries by Sam Shargo

Making digital transformation a reality for you

We know what it takes to drive digital transformation, and we know how powerful it is. That’s why we don’t hoard our expertise. Instead, we share it freely.

Please help yourself to our resources. No strings attached—just helpful advice to move your business forward.

Buying vs. Leasing IT Equipment: Navigating the Best Choice for Your Busi

ness In the fast-paced digital world, businesses constantly face decisions about acquiring IT equipment. This brings us to the pivotal question: Is it better to buy or lease IT equipment? Understanding the pros and cons of each option is crucial for…

Is going Server-Less Right for Your Business?

“Cloud is about how you do computing, not where you do computing.”–Paul Maritz, CEO of VMware

Work from Home Series—Managing time and tasks

Time is a precious and finite asset in life. It is the one thing that none of us can ever get enough of and yet we often waste it. Although I cannot help you get more time, I do believe there are ways we can all be more effective with what we do with the…

Teams End User Training Video

Work from Home, The Daily Meeting

Taken from the world of Agile and Scrum, the daily stand-up meeting—also known as the daily scrum or huddle—is one of the most impactful and beneficial activities that you can do with your team on a consistent basis. It provides the opportunity to keep…

Work from Home Blog Series - Best Practices

Over the last several days and weeks, many companies have rapidly adopted a work from home policy in response to the global health crisis and to help slow the spread of COVID-19. For teams that have been accustomed to working primarily from an office…

Coranvirus Update from Imagis

Turning the lights on Shadow IT

Employees often believe that they can get more work done by going outside of their company-sanctioned IT. Using more familiar tools and systems, they think, can help them save time.

10 ways to be more secure when traveling


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